Patricia Sauer - Authentic Programming
a blurry editor

Sometimes you have to work on the command line and don't have a text editor with a UI available. The text editors which are available on the command line most of the time are vi and nano. So, you better are prepared to be able to use one of them in case that you don't have the possibility to use your favourite text editor. In this article, you will learn how to open a file using vi.

thumbnail for the :is() pseudo class

I got to know the :is() pseudo class when coding The High Five Network. I used it almost everywhere right away. As I now understand how and when to use the :is() pseudo class, I also know that this heavy usage led to usages which do not make sense. In this article, I want to explain how and when to use the :is() pseudo class.

Firebase logo with title of this post

I am thinking a lot about my personal projects. When thinking about The High Five Network recently, I figured that I am using the locally cached value of likes of an achievement when someone gives a high five for an achievement which can result in likes being not counted properly. In this article, I would like to show you how you increase a counter properly using transactions in Firebase Realtime Database.

a blurry editor

Sometimes you have to work on the command line and don't have a text editor with a UI available. The text editors which are available on the command line most of the time are vi and nano. So, you better are prepared to be able to use one of them in case that you don't have the possibility to use your favourite text editor. In this article, you will learn the basics of the text editor vi.

a row of equal looking houses

The JavaScript Spread Operator allows you to spread the elements of an array or an object. This is pretty useful to create exact copies of objects or arrays, easily. In this article, you will learn what the JavaScript Spread Operator is, how you can use it and how you can benefit from using the JavaScript Spread Operator.

a huge tree with a lot of branches

Creating a new branch for everything you are working on will lead to a lot of branches in your repository. In this article, you will learn how to delete branches locally and remotely.

A sign saying 'push to reset the world'

The push command refuses to update a remote ref that isn't an ancestor of the local ref. These checks can be disabled by force pushing. In this article, you will learn what force pushing is and which consequences it might have.

A door with a sign saying 'push'

The Git push command is used to upload your committed changes to the server. In this article, you will learn about the Git push command and how to use it.

An abacus

With the add command, you add file contents to the index. In this article, you will learn how to use the add command and get to know its behavior.

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